Thursday, July 05, 2007

Can't believe the launch was nearly a week ago. You spend all this time thinking and planning for it and its all over in a sec! It was lots of fun though and went really well. Lots more people came than I thought would turn up. Mum and kevin helped me prepare lots of food and I got sponsored sushi platters and danish platters! Thats what you get when your mum owns a sushi shop and your uncle owns a patisserie shop. :) Kevin did a great job with the bartender job, funny to know that a police commander is serving everyone alcohol! :D
I really had thought that we would be eating the left overs for a few days, but there was hardly anything left. (We had prepared a LOT of food!) And I had eaten nothing the whole time. Spent most of the evening just running around chatting to people with an empty, plastic cup in my hand cos I had no time to refill it!

Its all good news though, cos I've sold nearly half my paintings that were displayed! I had really good feedback and really appreciated everyone who made it!
Ben was a legend and took on the job of social photographer at the launch, so I can post some pics on here!
Jess the girl that helped me organise the exhibition was super, cos she was so helpful during the whole time!
So here are some pics:

Dr. Mike got dragged into the photo with Phil, Andy, lil Mylana and Ira.

Ben and Bianca (whose holding the camera ben?) :)

Lauren and her mum and dad and moi!

Jes, kiersten and lucy!

phil and kevin with corny clinking glass photo :D

Jason, phil & cutey Olivia, me and Brooke and Sarah-Jane (some of the SALife crew)

Jindou and Phil (luv this photo!) :D

Mister cheezys!!

There are more photos but its taking too long to upload them all so I'll try and link them on flickr.