Phil had the Lantern (Mid Autumn Festival)- Im not quite sure what he's trying to achieve with his hands :)
Friday, October 05, 2007
Phil had the Lantern (Mid Autumn Festival)- Im not quite sure what he's trying to achieve with his hands :)
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Dr. Mike got dragged into the photo with Phil, Andy, lil Mylana and Ira.
Ben and Bianca (whose holding the camera ben?) :)
Lauren and her mum and dad and moi!
Jindou and Phil (luv this photo!) :D
Mister cheezys!!
There are more photos but its taking too long to upload them all so I'll try and link them on flickr.
Monday, June 18, 2007

Apart from that I have been baking again, this time apple strudel muffins. They have a crumbly top of brown sugar and cinnamon.. YUM, Phil is devouring them quite quick.
Did I say in my last blog entry that I have been having allergies to things on my lips and finally after some skin tests, I found out I'm allergic to chicken? We tested in twice and the result was still the same. Can't believe it. Also Im a wee bit allergic to garlic and soy!!! Soy of all things. What am Im going to do being a Chinese and all? Apparently, Soy sauce, like red wine has a lot of histimine in it so its not uncommon for people to be allergic to it. Although the effect may be mild, so one wouldn't really notice it. Hope I grow out of this soon. I'm such a foodie! Sometimes I wish I never found out!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Okay, they look a bit home-made, but still very yummy. The cake was a bit dense, but you don't notice it after you add all the filling. So if you're interested, here's the recipe:
A visit from Phil's mum recently, meant a trip to the Barossa Valley on a cold and wet day. Still it was fun, although I didn't do any wine tasting, as I have an allergy (and not sure if it's to do with alcohol yet.) Went to the whispering wall, not a whole lot of whispering going on as it was raining so much, but still interesting. And of course, visits to a number of wineries! (hrmm I don't look impressed there, perhaps its because its the third freaking pic Phil was trying to take of me since I got out of the car when we arrived at Penfolds!)

Went to the wildlife park "Warrawong Sanctuary", there we patiently waited for ages to see a platypus, but it never surfaced! At least we got to see a koala climb the whole length of a tree and make some scary noises, and some lazy ass kangaroos :)
Am pretty nervous about the upcoming exhibition, only two a bit a weeks to go! Still painting and trying to get everything in order. Think I'm going to chicken out in speech (me + speech= speechless) and get the girl who's helping me organise it to do it for me!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Phil's mum is coming to visit tomorrow, so hopefully there will be more photos on here cos we will prolly do a couple of road trips then!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
So here's a couple of pics of it:
Before: (the paste was all dried but still stuck on my hand)
After: (the next day)
I have also heard from an art gallery who is interested to have me exhibit at their gallery for SALA (south australia living artist) festival! So I'm pretty stoked! It will be a joint exhibition of all women (apparently.. but i guess it could change.) exhibiting works in different mediums.
I'm going to meet the gallery owner this Saturday, and check out the space there. Its in Bowden, which is an up and coming suburb, especially thriving on art and culture.
Lots of artists have studios there which is good news :) Funnily enough, one of the houses
Phil and I considered purchasing was in Bowden!
Friday, March 23, 2007
It was my birthday on Tuesday and I have finally left the 18-25 age group and jumped into the 26-30(something) age group! Mum and me went and found a really nice restaurant to have lunch
- in Willunga - a bit of a drive but the food was well worth it.
They brought the food out in the order that they think you should taste it.
Later on got together with the extended family to celebrate both Anita (my cousin) and my bday together which was pretty cool :)
Also went out for a dinner with some friends on sat night at Ky chow- and headed to La Boheme later on- love that bar- so frenchy, so chic ;P I am trying to get my art work to exhibit there, because I love the atmosphere there! (though they got pretty bad lighting)!
I'll post some photos up since I haven't done that for a while :) Though, they are not in any particular order...
Phil is in love with his PSP :)
Ira with Mylana at my bday dinner :) (she was soo well behaved!)
Phil pulling a face of some sort!
Karl and Mr. Big smiles
Note: the knife's position :)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
We caught Preston having a bath as well!
I forgot to add at the start that it was chinese new years eve the night before we flew off to NZ. We had a pretty giant banquet here.. including lobster- YUM.. and then also went to the temple to check out the lion dances - their crazy kung fu, and the fire works that was just let off at the car park across the road! It was packed there and it was a wicked atmosphere with monks chanting and loud drums beating! Lots of incense in the air... And of course, Phil and I got some red packets! :) That night we also saw the Moting Vultures, they played excellently on that exceptionally hot night at the Jetty Road Hotel! Well done guys! Check out Phil's blog for a video of Phil on the theremin!
Heres a couple of pics from Ben's farewell BBQ too...
Thursday, February 08, 2007
I've also got a small freelance job for Nature Foundation SA, which is pretty cool, they are a not for profit organisation protecting native endangered animals and restoring agricultural land to native bushland. Am pretty busy with that, then comes along an ad I saw for a casual/freelance graphic designer at a publishing firm producing various trade mag titles. It pretty much suits me to a T, so I applied for it. I sent the application at around midnight and amazingly I got a call back in early arvo the next day to come in for an interview! Suddenly its a mad rush to get my portfolio done; the visuals done for the Nature Foundation!!! My poor painting has taken a back seat ... am feeling a bit bad about it actually because I really want to spend more time doing it. But a casual graphic design job would really be ideal and also the freelancing helps. (House renos and art = $$$)
On another note, Caroline my friend whos been living in Nanjing, China for a while now has come back to visit! Unfortunatley, her husband couldn't come back as well, as they're getting ready for the big move to beijing- pretty exciting stuff.
And, Ben, if you're reading this, IM GOING TO REALLY MISS YOU! But I will come and visit in melb and check out your tres luxurious apartment in the Melbourne docklands!
Oh yeh and had a great time at the BDO and after party! Thx RIO!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Visited crown casino, city, brunswick st.. watched Volver.. FANTASTIC spanish movie starring penelope cruz.. and drank a lot of chai latte.. mmm.
It was so cold over there, that we had to put the heater on and wear jumpers and jeans. There was even snow on christmas day not too far from where we were but we didn't find out till we were back in Adelaide! Driving back was not much of a drama, as phil gave me a car tuner adaptor thingy for my ipod and so we had plenty of tunes to listen to on the way back. I also got introduce to the game of "car cricket" hehe.
When back in Adelaide, the weather became increasingly hot, today is 40 degrees!!! So it feels like we've had summer then winter then summer again. Bizarre.
New years was a pretty low key event, we decided at last minute to brave the crowds and catch the tram down to glenelg to watch the fireworks at the beach there. Just before midnight we even got to witness a drunken couple fight very loudly on the beach making a big spectacle of themselves ending up with the girl sobbing by herself just before the countdown and then think they made up after the fireworks were over. Hmm.
Next day, phil and I went to a adelaide vs melbourne cricket game at the adelaide oval. It was an interesting game with 8000 ppl attending, not too bad for a local crowd. We lost but that was not without some funny things happening like three fielders went to catch the ball (a real easy one to catch) and then all three thinking the other will catch it so the ball ended up falling on the ground between the three of them. Sad but funny :)
I gotta admit, its much better watching it in person without the drone of the commentator.. that ALWAYS puts me to sleep.. :)