Whirlwind Auckland trip...Sooo, back from auckland already! I had a great time in that very green city :P so much water and so much greenery.. very pretty. In less than 72 hours we were there, I managed to meet lots of phils friends, all very lovely, learnt to play poker, high fived preston-belinda and dans cute son! (that was a highlight!) saw his grandma and his grandpa, his uncle, went to yum cha, go to the sky tower - view was very awesome.. and the bungy jumpers coming off it was pretty crazy too! think i saw a 10 year old jumping off.. phil and my legs were jelly when we shot up in the elevator with the window in the floor! Went to a fantastic wedding at the hilton, got a bit teary cos of the super sweet tear jerker speeches ( guess im very in touch with my emotional side, since i knew nobody to begin with at the wedding!) played table tennis and boxing on xbox.. had brunch wif brendan- phils fellow cricket fanatic whos coming to the ashes later on in the year AND, go to a sex shop to visit another of phils mates-- now there were some interesting customers in that shop :)
our plane also got delayed for two hours at auckland airport.. so we got there at 1:30pm and left the airport at 5pm! Just as well we had a three hour interval between the auckland-sydney trip and sydney-adelaide trip!
Qantas obviously apologised for the delay and said that we would get free transfers direct to the domestic terminal as we were pressed for time, but no.. when we rushed to get there, bags and all, they said they couldnt get us to the domestic terminal and that we had to catch the bus. Lucily, we managed to hop on to a bus that was about to leave in 5 mins!
On this bus we met a german woman who has been living in honololou for 11 years... she was a olympic skier, and or weightlifter etc! Anyway, Sylvia was her name; is a beautician on her way to adelaide (in fact australia for the first time) to meet her boyfriend she met in hawaii- she hasn't seen for 5 months. Shes coming over here for 3 months looking to stay for longer like a year.. a very interesting story and a very nice woman... since she knew nobody in australia apart from her man (whos she not too sure about.. ) and an old couple on the plane from queensland (who warned her of lots of aussie conmen out to get $ from middle aged women) i decided that we should go out for a coffee when shes settled.
So... it will be interesting to see how her love affair pans out. The man shes seeing is a twice divorced body guard living with his mother in a posh suburb.. i dont know what to think of it.. but i thought it will be good for her to know at least 1 other person in adelaide!
and now..... back to the daily grind of office work!
cant wait for my next holiday!
oh yes and signed some MORE forms for the house, not long now to settlement day!